Hank ferried me around bike shops and state offices in Illinois searching for bike maps I could use to get from Springfield to DeKalb. Hank once sold Whizzer bikes -- bikes with motors on them and recognized many of the non-motorized old bikes on display at the bike shops. We saw very few old racing bikes but many old, mainstream bikes -- Stingrays, Huffys, etc.
For "lunch," Hank took me to his nephew's bar. He introduced me as "Staci's Jon's brother Mark," which I had to parse out the first time I heard it but seemed to make sense to everyone else. At The Koo-Koo's Nest he added "this is the guy who saved me life." One fellow responded, "Huh. Kind of a mixed blessing."
The Koo-Koo's Nest is a biker/dive bar. No food but the small
bar was fairly full at 1 PM. Mostly middle-aged folks who did not
look as if they had ridden in on their Harley's. One of them
pumped at least $40 into the state-sponsored slot machines in a fifteen
minute period.