I like the tiny "You Are Here" star in the corner. That's where we are.


Oswego's downtown is literally falling down -- it looked as if one of the facades had fallen onto the sidewalk.  So instead of trying to get all the cyclists downtown, the town put on a party at the fairgrounds, where most of the cyclists were staying.


Overheard in the beer tent:

Nah, you are wrong.  Those people in west Kansas really are nicer.  They are nicer.  And I know why.  Here's my theory.  I was raised Catholic and we have this thing called Purgatory.  It's like junior Hell.  If you're not really horrible -- you didn't kill anybody or like that.  Maybe you were just a big jerk, and I'm sure you were.  Then you go to Purgatory before Heaven to get tortured a bit so you can go to heaven pure.

Now just wait a second.  I'm almost there.

So, west Kansas.  That's Purgatory.  It's a bad place to live and the people there are working out their sins.  They can't screw up or they gotta stay longer.  So, they're nice.  They gotta be or they are stuck in west Kansas forever and can't get to Heaven.  They gotta be nice out there.


I don't listen to country music much, but I had a great, teary-eyed time listening in Oswego.  This was one of my favorites:
I've never had so much to lose
I never had anything worth holdin' on to
I never had a home someone who cares
Yeah, lookin at you, I know I'm there

Yeah, with your barefeet on the dash
And your pretty hair pulled back
Oh girl it don't get better than that
Yeah you beat all I've ever had     
My lust for life has been elusive
Elusive at best for me
Yeah, now one time the first time in my life
Yeah, I see what the poets see