Camping in Hartville. Yes, I am camped in the town square.

Sometimes the route map indicates where it's okay to camp.  Sometimes I ask at the town hall.  This is the third or fourth time I have ended up in the very middle of town. 

I don't mind terribly but it takes a bit of getting used to.  Everyone who passes stares -- some more discreetly than others.  And taking a pee in the middle of everything, even at 3 AM, is a bit weird. 

Unfortunately, in this part of the country everyone has a pickup,  every pickup has a roar, and every trip takes place in twenty yard explosions with squealing tires.  Curiously, during the pauses tonight I one heard rap music. 

I stopped to chat with the roarers and squealers who were hanging out on in front of the courthouse.  They were unnaturally diffident. If I understood them correctly Hartville recently won a baseball championship. By ten o'clock, they had blasted off for someplace else.