In the base of this bluff along the road to Quincy -- the bluff probably marks the end of the Mississippi's floodplain -- are large chambers used to store things. This entrance to this one is small compared to others farther upstream.

The bluish material in the bin is primarily zinc sulfate, a byproduct of galvanizing steel.   Another fellow with a front end loader appeared now and then, picked up a scoop of the stuff, and carried it into the cave. The fellow squatting and having a smoke is the truck driver who has carried this load from Georgia.  He told me he tries to keep his distance from the stuff.  If he gets too close to it, he tends to get flu-like symptoms.  He says the stuff is used in all sorts of things, including animal feed.

When I passed the openings of other "caves," farther upstream, I was blasted by very cold air, sometimes carrying powdery dust.