It was really humid in Sedan, and I am afraid that it carried over to the next morning.  I think the lens on my cellphone camera was fogged up.

This fuzzy picture is of Bob, a former City Manager of Dodge City.  He had some great stories about trying, unsuccessfully, to stop the Dodge City City Council from engaging in a whole panoply of  ethically questionablepractices.  

He told me parts of this over a couple days, so this is actually more of paraphrase than a quote:

"When I got to Dodge City, it was mostly Vietnamese who were at the Excel plant.  And Mexicans.  I thought they had that sort of up and out ethic.  I thought they worked hard.

"They were giving incentives to Cargill to take over the Excel plant outside of town.  Paying the Social Security for the company.  The city was or the county or the state. The city wanted to be the largest in the region.

"So, I go with the mayor -- he was quite a character, an old boy -- to a meeting with the head of Cargill.  The mayor looks at the guy and says 'Some people around here don't like the kind of people you're bringing in.'  And, I'm thinking 'Oh boy.  Here we go.'

"So the Cargill guy looks at the mayor and says smoothly, 'I grant you we bring a certain cosmopolitan aspect to the area.'

"And the mayor just looks at him.  And then changes the subject.

"And I realized that that old boy has no idea what the word 'cosmopolitan' meant!

"I don't think he ever figured it out!  And that was the end of it."