The Challengers and Disc ManMy competition is the finest in the world - a field unduplicated in the annals of serious disk golf.

Sure the folks from Springfield and Bartlett are good -- but "good" is not good enough. I play only against the best. Annie "the babe"

Annie "The Babe" Hughes - So intense, she has never uttered a word in competition (or otherwise.) So dedicated, she will crawl to stay in the game (and everywhere else).

Ted "trashman"Ted "Trashman" Hughes - Originator of the never duplicated "Trash Can Toss." His survival skills, including his unerring ability to find water, lend a unique splash to his game.

Tote "The Cash Register"

Tote "Cash Register" Hughes - He makes other players pay - literally - for his ability to levitate sunken disks. His endurance and musical ability rival that of the Energizer Bunny. Dunc - Mr. Wizard

Duncan "The Wizard" Hughes - The mystic of the disc golf world. His unusual powers put other players on edge, particularly his ability to vanish in the middle of the game.

Staci "The Ace"

Staci "The Ace" Charles - Tough, beautiful, and with an unerring sense of direction. She easily navigates beer coolers, from Arizona to Colorado.


Mark with discs he used on nineMark "The Bogey Man" Hughes - Known for his daring and work ethic. He courageously putts from 200 yards out and is always ready to take three shots where some might stop at one.